Noticias y Eventos

Get to know the selected papers of TICAL2018 and the 2nd e-Science Meeting Get to know the selected papers of TICAL2018 and the 2nd e-Science Meeting Viernes, 06 Julio 2018 The Evaluation Committee of the TICAL Conference and the Latin American e-Science...
Calls for TICAL2018 and the 2nd Meeting of e-Science received 175 work proposals Calls for TICAL2018 and the 2nd Meeting of e-Science received 175 work proposals Jueves, 14 Junio 2018 A little less than four months after the launch of the TICAL and the 2nd Latin American...

  • Agreements for a Federated Group Management Standard and Application Programming Interfaces (API) for it.
  • Definition of a set of applications that will adopt the Federated Group Management Standard.
  • Recommendations for Service Definitions from a marketing point of view.
  • Pilot portals for Latin America and other regions as appropriate, incorporating the Federated Group Management Standard.
  • Definition of a standard for interoperability of cloud provisioning.
  • Pilot of Federated service provisioning between the regions.
  • Deployment of a pilot Federated Cloud Service (FCS) model, for a set of NRENs in LA, Europe, Africa, etc.
  • Evaluation of the FCS by the user NRENs.
  • Refinement of the FCS using the feedback obtained from NRENs.


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BELLA es cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea

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