For every specific objective BELLA-T envisions a specific output which is associated to a specific Work Pacckage (WP), as described down here:

Specific objective 1: To create an optical backbone network in South America, connecting the cities of Fortaleza, Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre (Brazil), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Santiago (Chile), Guayaquil (Ecuador), Bogotá (Colombia), Cucuta (Colombian border with Venezuela) and Cartagena (Colombia).

Work Package: 1. South American Backbone

Output: A secure resilient optical backbone ready to support 100 Gbps wavelengths in South America which will become RedCLARA’s main regional infrastructure for research, education, innovation and public service in Latin America.

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Specific objective 2: To exploit synergies between RedCLARA and the South American NRENs, taking advantage of the fact that the proposed terrestrial backbone will cross several cities in each of the countries involved, making it possible to share the very same optical infrastructure to improve national capillarity, and thus strengthen the national network.

Work Package: 2. Optical NREN Deployment

Output: Optical Networks in each of the partner countries sharing infrastructure with the LA Optical Backbone

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Specific objective 3: To form the human capital required to deploy, maintain and operate optical networks, by sharing expertise, training new personnel and strengthening the cooperation networks between the NRENs, which is key to the successful operation and exploitation of the proposed optical network.

Work Package: 3. Capacity-building

Output: A group of technicians well trained in optical technology and security, capable of designing, managing, operating, maintaining and upgrading optical networks

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Specific objective 4: To ensure the sustainability of the optical infrastructure by creating a new financial model for RedCLARA that takes into consideration new regional possibilities and the lower costs offered by direct transatlantic access to research and education networks around the world, as well as to the commodity Internet.

Work Package: 4. Sustainability

Output: A new funding model for RedCLARA enabling long-term sustainability of the LA network

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Specific objective 5: To raise awareness among users of the possibilities opened by the deployment of this new facility, by exploiting synergies between key user groups, disseminating interesting use cases and favouring the exchange of information among users of the whole region and between them and their European and worldwide counterparts.

Work Package: 5. End User Awareness

Output: A Latin American user community aware of the possibilities of the new infrastructure and a set of mechanisms for constant interaction between the NRENs, RedCLARA and the user communities ensuring the permanent flow of information in all directions.

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