encuentroeciencia2017The BELLA-T Latin American e-Science Meeting (to be held in the framework of TICAL2017, in San Jose, Costa Rica, fron July 3 to 5) seeks to offer a new space for the exchange of knowledge and good practices in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within the scope of research, with the view to contributing to the improvement and optimization of Management and work of the scientific groups in the region. To this end, BELLA-T calls the Latin American researchers to present works that show their experiences in the development of collaborative initiatives involving the use of ICT (advanced networks, databases, repositories, visualization, supercomputing, among others) in the areas of Biodiversity, e-Health, Environment, Astronomy, Art and Culture in Network and High Energy Physics, considered as priority.


It is hoped that the papers will present an experience that will allow knowing at least the following aspects:

  • The impact of the developed research
  • ICT used in the development of the research and the description of the support and/or contribution given to the fulfillment of the research objective.
  • Description of the collaboration network that participated in the project.
  • Description of the experience that was gained in building the collaborative project teams and strategies, particularly among researchers and technology experts (lessons learned).

Priority Themes

Note: The themes that are shown in the priority areas as examples do not exclude others that can be presented by the researchers that wish to apply for this call.

1.Biodiversity: Definition of infrastructure needs and standards to increase global monitoring; Experiences in the Darwin Core implementation, open data and new approaches to data publishing; Data quality, problems, methods and tools; Standards and data semantics for Biodiversity; Visualization of data to obtain useful knowledge and analysis of data; Best practices for the implementation of Biodiversity computer services.

2.e-Health: Mobile technologies for research networks; Virtual Laboratories for Health; Digital Surgery; Product innovation services in eHealth/Telehealth; Research in specific fields and specialty of medicine; Electronic medical record; Systems for medical education based on medical images; Audiovisual collaboration in Health environments; Research platform network Health; Computer environments for health research.

3. Environment: Volcanism and Plate tectonics; Neotectonics and Seismology; Climate changes; Slip and Geotechnics; Risk Management; Ecosystem Management; Use and management of water, climate and clean air; Efficient use of resources.

4. Astronomy: Exoplanets and Extraterrestrial Life: the search and characterization of extrasolar planets; Transients: Exploring the "Time domain" in Astronomy; Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Cosmology: Seeking weak signals in massive data; Astroinformatics: Impacts of informatics in the Big Data in Astronomy era.

5. Network Art and Culture: University experiences, spin-off university projects and creative development centers that promote, display and exhibit cultural practices and creative processes articulated to technologies (videogames, animation, digital cinema, Expansive cinema, augmented and virtual reality, in which digital content is "co-designed" and "co-created"); Interrelation between Sciences, Arts and Technologies (visual arts, electronic music, literature, performances, electronic dance, among others); Aesthetics in digital production, the epistemology of the image and the electronic arts.

6. High energy physics: Particle accelerators: Beyond the Standard model; Latin American Collaborations - CERN; Detectors (resistive plate chambers, water Cherenkov detectors, photomultipliers, etc); Analysis, griding and data mining; Machine learning; Applications to medical physics; Astroparticles and gamma ray physics; Simulation networks for extensive atmospheric rains; Collaborations in Latin America; Ultra-energy cosmic rays; Neutrino physics; Gamma Ray Bursts; Dark matter; Fundamentals of High Energy Physics; Mechanisms of particle acceleration; Cosmology in TeV; Cosmology in branes; Supersymmetries.

Material that the applicants must prepare

1. A presentation of a maximum of 20 minutes that shows the developed experience in all its stages.
2. A summary with a minimum extension of 3 and a maximum of 8 pages, which describes the performed work and its results.

The official languages are Spanish and Portuguese. You must also send a copy of the abstract in English.

Who is invited to participate?

The call is driven to groups of researchers working in the areas defined as priority – indicated above - whose experience involves the use of ICTs (advanced networks, databases, repositories, visualization, supercomputing, among others) to support research work.

Benefits for the Selected Papers

The BELLA-T Project will fund the transfer of one of the responsible researchers for each selected work to the place that will host the meeting, as well as his/her participation and lodging.

Call for papers

We invite you to present papers preferably on the topics described above, sending your proposals to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicating “Propuesta para la Convocatoria de Trabajos - Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia” in the subject of the e-mail.

Important dates

March 16: Call Opening
April 24: Deadline for submitting papers
May 22: Notification of the Selected Authors
July 3-5: Latin American e-Science Meeting - San José, Costa Rica

More information:



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