Specific objective 5: To raise awareness among users of the possibilities opened by the deployment of this new facility, by exploiting synergies between key user groups, disseminating interesting use cases and favouring the exchange of information among users of the whole region and between them and their European and worldwide counterparts.

Work Package: 5. End User Awareness

Output: A Latin American user community aware of the possibilities of the new infrastructure and a set of mechanisms for constant interaction between the NRENs, RedCLARA and the user communities ensuring the permanent flow of information in all directions.

Output description:

The new optical network will open new opportunities for the NRENs connected to RedCLARA such as access to the Commodity Internet for their communities and additional institutional users such as Government, NGOs and other social benefit organisations. On the other hand scientific and educational users will see their connectivity greatly enhanced, making viable possibilities that are now out of their financial scope, such as real-time observation at the astronomical observatories or partnering in the ATLAS experiment at Tier-1 level.

In order to make all these new possibilities known to end institutions, the primary dissemination channels will be those of the NRENs. Moreover, regional events such as TICAL held yearly by RedCLARA and bringing together the CIOs of LA universities and other organisations will be key to exchanging experiences and knowledge about new possibilities while opening at the same time training opportunities for their technicians.

Scientists and educators, however, do not have a regional event to exchange use cases, share applications and have access to specialised training on the use of the network, in particular the new possibilities opened by this new network. We will organise a meeting specifically tailored for these communities, intended to be held on an annual basis, where users and technicians will come together and interact, exchange ideas, applications and good practices.

This new event will be complemented by the dissemination of good practices, training videos and other material for end users in the Colaboratorio Collaboration Portal developed under the ELCIRA and MAGIC projects (http://colaboratorio.redclara.net).

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