• In the framework of TICAL: Latin American e-Science Meeting - Open call

    encuentroeciencia2017The BELLA-T Latin American e-Science Meeting (to be held in the framework of TICAL2017, in San Jose, Costa Rica, fron July 3 to 5) seeks to offer a new space for the exchange of knowledge and good practices in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within the scope of research, with the view to contributing to the improvement and optimization of Management and work of the scientific groups in the region. To this end, BELLA-T calls the Latin American researchers to present works that show their experiences in the development of collaborative initiatives involving the use of ICT (advanced networks, databases, repositories, visualization, supercomputing, among others) in the areas of Biodiversity, e-Health, Environment, Astronomy, Art and Culture in Network and High Energy Physics, considered as priority.


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