BELLA benefits

  • Application Workshops

    User awareness is key to take full advantage of the new possibilities opened by BELLA-T. During the course of the project, BELLA-T will organise 3 user-centered workshops where the focus will be on the application side. The first one will be carried out within the context of the TICAL2017 Conference: The Latinamerican e-Science Meeting.

    Speakers in these workshops will be researchers and PHD students who will show how the network can be used to advance research and education in their discipline, in order to emphasize the network benefits for the end users and boost user engagement.

    The best use cases gathered through the Application Workshops will be fully documented and disseminated widely.

  • Training

    The engineering and operations of the national networks as well as the new super-powered RedCLARA’s optical backbone developed by BELLA-T will require new capacities among the networking community. Extensive engineering and technical training will be provided through face-to-face workshops as well as via on-demand resources and tutorials.

    The training will cover the following subjects:

    • Optical Networks’ Design
    • Optical Networks Management
    • Layer 2 Networking
    • Advanced IP Routing
    • Network Security

    This training programme will be open to all network engineers from RedCLARA partner NRENs as well as interested engineers and technicians attending the TICAL meetings organised yearly by RedCLARA.

FaLang translation system by Faboba