eciencia plazo ENThe BELLA-T Latin American e-Science Meeting, to be held in the framework of TICAL2017, in San Jose, Costa Rica, from July 3 to 5, extended its deadline for submission of papers to April 29, 24h GMT. The previous deadline, April 24, is now revoked.

The call is driven to groups of researchers working in the areas of Biodiversity, e-Health, Environment, Astronomy, Art and Culture in Network and High Energy Physics, considered as priority, whose experience involves the use of ICTs (advanced networks, databases, repositories, visualization, supercomputing, among others) to support research work.

The BELLA-T Project will fund the transfer of one of the responsible researchers for each selected work to the place that will host the meeting, as well as his/her participation and lodging.

We invite you to present papers preferably on the topics described above, sending your proposals to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicating “Propuesta para la Convocatoria de Trabajos - Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia” in the subject of the e-mail.

To download the call and get more information on the Latin American e-Science Meeting, please visit




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