lac workshop miniAiming to discuss scientific data management best practices developed by research institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Data System (WDS) will hold on April 17 and 18, in Rio de Janeiro, the Latin American and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop.

WDS is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science (ICSU) responsible for creating an international network of trusted data services to support international science. In this context, the workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the data landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean and to understand the associated opportunities and challenges, and secondly to discuss how WDS can support data initiatives for example with the certification of data repositories and data networks.

Registration is free of charge and must be made on the event website - The deadline to register is on April 1, 2018. More information is available on the website or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Latin American and Caribbean Scientific Data Management Workshop has the support of the Brazilian advanced network, RNP, and the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (Ibict).

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